my choice

i can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.
but i do feels that there's no wrong in getting those fears.
perhaps my intuition is trying to teach me. to be more careful.

yes, while making a desicion.

**puncak alam or metrikulasi or institut pendidikan guru or__ or___
sekarang baru menyesal sebab apply byk sangat.
hope that the decision i've made by myself is with the guidance from Allah.

well! this is it! one BIG STEP in my life is coming through bebeh!!

☂ new

hai, hai, hai.

hari ni tiba-tiba je gatal tangan nak tukar skin and tukar header.
memang terserlah la kan kebosanan dan penggangguran di situ.

aku tak tahu kenapa dengan gambar header nie. rushing-rushing bukan main lagi nampak.
nak tengok ultraman berlawan kut.

by the way, kalau nak cari gambar-gambar anime high quality cantik menarik tertarik tahap HD masterpiece punya. try la bukak  . boleh klik kat link .  kalau pandai search, memang boleh jumpa yang lawa-lawa. =D

ni salah satu gambar yang aku ambik. Bagi aku macam nie pun dah cukup gojes dah, haha, macam real.

ok lah

 dah penat edit skin. Nak  pergi buat taik mata pulak. ciao.!

☂ aku tak de lesen. kau ade?

" Eh, ape? Ko dah ade lesen? wow, ohsem you!"

hati menangis berguling sebab jeles. Ye lah, mane tak nye, budak-budak sebaya aku sekarang nie dah pon ada lesen. boleh bawak mak shopping beli ikan lah, pegang stereng berjimba round-round bandar lah...

Aku pulak, masih lagi membasahkan ketiak berkayuh dengan basikal. Tu pon round-round taman je. So acane? Redo.

Tapi sebenarnya aku faham sangat kenapa ayah aku tak kasi aku amik lesen. Dia sayang kat aku. hehe (hati berbunga). dia kata, pengguna jalan raya zaman sekarang nie, tak macam dulu. Semuanya bawak kereta style macam jalan-itu-dia-punya, macam-kena-ligan-biawak komodo, macam kedekut-lampu-signal,alah, macam-macam lah...and especially yang bawak moto macam tak cukup graviti. *sigh

Yang bagus dan berhemah ,tu memang ada, dan kalau anda yang membaca nie rasa diri anda sangat berhemah di jalan raya, aku memang sayang sama kamo. you are the best! Tabik tabik tabik.!
Majulah pemandu berhemah untuk Negara.

So, maybe lah kan, maybe..
Ayah aku tak nak kasi aku lesen sebab takut aku terpaksa berhadapan dengan pemandu2 yang kurang bertauliah nie ataupun;
takut aku yang eventually jadi pemandu yang kurang bertaulah. Hahaha.

Tapi macam mana pun, aku yang  suatu hari nanti akan menjadi wanita berkejaya (cewah_) akan tetap kena ambik lesen jugak. Jadi marilah kita bersama-sama menjadi pemandu yang bertauliah dah berhemah dan bertoleransi dan diberkati supaya aku pun boleh cepat-cepat ambik lesen. In Syaa Allah.. yeah ! 

Haha, till then, ciao
                                    "Eh, ape? Ko pun takde lesen? gimme five beybeh!"

✎ i'm doing fine.

Banyak research nak kene buat.
Banyak maklumat nak kene ready dalam otak.
lap peluh.

Berdebar, Ya Rabb saja yang tahu.

ha'ah . Ada interview lagi nanti. Mak suruh buat yang the best.
"chayok !" katenya.

lap peluh lagi.

✎ akdong musician ; melted lyrics

When times are though, people are frustrated and angry and hurting. Yes, the world is indeed a though and cold one when we all come to face the reality. This song do tells the story well.

After finding out the meanings of the deep lyrics, and get the imagery from the MV, i fav this song even more. ughh,  that boy is so cute. how dare they make him cry.

The blue ocean that the red sun used to wash its face turns black
The white sky that had clouds and rain and the wind turns gray
I leave the darkness that finds my heart
Even the cold shadow that covers the night starts to harden
If the ice melts, a warmer song would have come out
But why is the ice so cold? Why is it so cold?
Why are they so cold
Why are they so cold
The blue ocean that the red sun used to wash its face
I look at the past warmth that is deeply buried (too late get it out)
I wish the cold in the world of adults would be gone too
I wish the frozen love will melt away now
I leave the darkness that finds my heart
Even the cold shadow that covers the night starts to harden
If the ice melts, a warmer song would have come out
But why is the ice so cold? Why is it so cold?
If the ice melts, a warmer song would have come out
But why is the ice so cold? Why is it so cold?
Why are they so cold
Why are they so cold
In Korean, the word ‘Ice’ and ‘Adult (or grown-up)’ have similar sound. So the ‘Ice’ in this song has been used as a symbol of ‘grown-ups’. That’s why he use plural pronoun, ‘they’.
nice song Akdong Musician. =D

hah, see, i've warned you before. i'm a kpop fan.